Saturday, March 21, 2009

Poise and Purpose

A bit about the title of my blog.

I am in a sorority. I am not telling which one, it doesn't matter. And it's not that kind of sorority, so please discard of any lesbian fantasties right now.

One of the aims, or goals, or whatever you want to call it was that my sorority was going "to build women of poise and purpose", which of course was a joke in college. Even the best of us was not filled with poise and most of the time our purpose was to get drunk or high or both or worse. However, in the almost 6 years since graduating that fine Southern Jersey institution, many of the women I knew do now have far more poise and a great amount of purpose. Maybe the objective of the sorority should be, "to eventually build women of a decent amount of poise and purpose, one day, down the road a bit, but for now they can be drunk and stupid." That would have been far more fitting, at least for the majority of girls, myself included.

But as far as my travels are concerned, I thought it would be funny. Most of the experiences I end up having during the course of the day are void of poise and probably the opposite of purpose-filled. Like when I went to Tennessee just after high school with one of my best friends, her boyfriend at the time, and one of his friends. I lost one Birkenstock on the side of the road in the middle of Virginia, needless to say I was upset, very upset. One perfectly good Birkenstock lost forever in Virginia- but no, my best friend, the angel she is, remembered that we had pulled over by southbound mile marker 83 so on the way back we stopped, and TAH-DAH!, my Birkenstock!!!! No poise involved when trying to hunt down a sandal in the middle of the night on a major interstate highway. No purpose to stoping- it's just a sandal, I probably could have easily gotten another pair when I got home, but no. Instead four 18 year olds were scavanging the side of a busy highway in the middle of the night looking for a stupid sandal, but a comfortable one at that.

So, as for poise, I'm sure there will be little of it involved in many of my travel stories. And as for purpose, well the funniest things in life usually don't have a purpose, but they are awfully entertaining!

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