Saturday, March 21, 2009

Crossing the street in the Land Down Under, written 2/27/2009

As if jetlag weren't enough to throw you off in a new country, the Aussies drive on the left side of the road, yes you heard right, THE LEFT!!!! So there is no looking left, right, left- it's all right, left, right. And at an intersection it's even worse because you forget which way the turning traffic is coming from!! But, in the past three days I've managed to cross the street multiple times, even without a crosswalk, and have yet to get hit or even clipped by oncoming traffic.

I have found a delightful little cafe, Curious Cafe, in Bondi Junction, that makes delicious lattes, cappuccinos, and food. Bonus, they have free internet access. The cafe sits in a building that is the equivilent of an NYC brownstone. Two steps down from the sidewalk is an outdoor sitting area (where I am today, enjoying my latte and raspberry muffin), then through the door to two seperate rooms, counter all the way in back, stairwell running up the left. Curious Cafe has a resident cat. Black and white and mostly sleepy, his name is Elvis. He perches himself on a chair or at the steps on the sidewalk. Today, he has taken up residence directly in the middle of the steps on the sidewalk, forcing anyone who wishes to gain access to Curious to either step over him or walk clearly around him, squeezing themselves between him and the wrought iron fence posts. Curiously enough, no one seems to mind. Elvis, I presume, has been the gate keeper here for quite some time. Many of the people who pass by know him by name, or very tenderly bend down to give him a pat on the head as they go about their day.Well, I'm off to explore some more. I'd like to make my way to the beach today, and as it's a bit overcast it'll make for some good strolling.

ps- Elvis is now curled up on my purse on the chair next to me. I would take a picture but I'm afraid my camera is directly under his butt.

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